Roadmap 7.png

Features planned for Q1-Q2, 2024:

(January - June)

Right now, we are rounding out our program to provide almost anything a teacher and student would need to manage their education, always keeping flexibility and ease-of-use as our goal.

Contact us at [email protected] with any questions about these features in development.

  1. Staff Access Levels - DONE!
  2. School-Managed Student Login - DONE!
  3. Courses - DONE!
  4. File Library - DONE!
  5. Forms & E-Signatures
  6. Advanced Billing:
    1. Electronic payments
    2. Installment plans
    3. Reports
  7. Enrollment & Billing Integration

Q3-Q4, 2023

(July - December)

We are continuing to build vital features in the SiS for microschools and other multi-family education centers.